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It is believed to be made of a material known as biofilm that comprises a collection of microorganisms on the surface. The film combines mouth bacteria and fungi that attach to a moist surface. When the material hardens within the tonsils, plaque is formed.

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To prevent bad breath related to poor oral hygiene, it is important to maintain a regular oral care routine. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth, and using mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. It is also recommended to visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups.
You can tell you have tonsil stones if you can see the white deposits trapped in the crevices of your tonsils. Other times, you might notice them when they come out, “appearing” suddenly in your throat or mouth. They are usually white and can be soft and/or gritty. .

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Bad breath in smokers is caused by the tobacco itself—the lungs retain a measure of the tobacco smoke for a while after the cigarette has been extinguished and these chemicals remain in the mouth, making a greater case for halitosis.
Smoking and tobacco use can have a detrimental effect on oral health and can cause bad breath. The chemicals in tobacco products can irritate the gums, leading to gum disease. Additionally, smoking can dry out the mouth and reduce saliva production, which can contribute to bad breath.

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What are tonsil stones and how do you get rid of them? Learn more about tonsil stone problems and what you can do about tonsil stones.
To make lemon water for fresh breath, simply squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also add a teaspoon of honey for added flavor and additional antibacterial benefits.

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Smell and taste belong to our chemical sensing system (chemosensation). The complicated process of smelling and tasting begins when molecules released by the substances around us stimulate special nerve cells in the nose, mouth, or throat. These cells transmit messages to the brain, where specific smells or tastes are identified. Olfactory (smell nerve) cells are stimulated by the odors around us, the fragrance from a rose, the smell of bread baking. These nerve cells are found in a tiny patch of tissue high up in the nose, and they connect directly to the brain. Gustatory (taste nerve) cells are clustered in the taste buds of the mouth and throat. They react to food or drink mixed with saliva. Many of the small bumps that can be seen on the tongue contain taste buds. These surface cells send taste information to nearby nerve fibers, which send messages to the brain.

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Fresh breath is something that we all strive for in our daily lives. It not only affects our personal confidence but also has a significant impact on our social and professional interactions. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a major turn-off and can make others uncomfortable around us. Whether it's a job interview, a date, or a simple conversation with friends, having fresh breath is crucial for making a positive impression.

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    There are many causes of bad breath, just as there are many sources of bacteria in the mouth. Halitosis may be caused by the following.

    Use cotton swabs. But this only works if the stones are small and easy to locate. To soften the swabs, dip them in water and then stand in front of the mirror. Using the swab at the location of the stones and try to loosen them gently.
    Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth may be a warning sign of gum (periodontal) disease. Gum disease is caused by the buildup of plaque on teeth. Bacteria cause toxins to form, which irritate the gums. If gum disease continues untreated, it can damage the gums and jawbone.

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    Digestive issues like acid reflux and gastrointestinal problems can also cause bad breath. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest and a sour taste in the mouth. This sour taste can contribute to bad breath.

    Bleeding or dry sockets after extractions (like wisdom tooth removal) can cause bad breath until the wound heals. An infection from a dental implant can also cause bad breath, thus, good oral hygiene is crucial to prevent unpleasant complications.
    A great experience the office is clean, professional and most importantly the staff is caring. My dentist, Dr. Kerbs is... looking for the long term solution and only makes recommendations as they are needed. I switched to PFD after receiving the recommendation for an implant and bone graft from my family dentist and a specialist. I was comparing prices, for the implant. I did not even feel I needed a second opinion at this point. I was in extreme pain. Dr. Kerbs said we could do an implant if needed but wanted to try and adjust my bite in stages with a bite block first. A couple months later, no pain and the implant is not even a consideration at this point.read more

  • halitosis medical terminology breakdown

    The effectiveness of mouthwash in treating bad breath

    Natural Remedies for Treating Bad Breath from the Throat
    Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common oral health problem that can affect a person's self-esteem and confidence. Not only does it impact the individual, but it can also be detected by others around them. It is important to understand the underlying cause of halitosis (smelly breath) and seek appropriate treatment to prevent physical and psychological consequences. Below, we will provide a comprehensive guide on halitosis and how Impress can help those whose bad breath is caused by dental malpositions.

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    We've tried our best to fill our website with as much information as possible to help you get acquainted with every aspect of our practice. And if you're ready...

    It's important to note that mouthwash should not be used as a substitute for brushing and flossing. It should be used as an adjunct to your regular oral hygiene routine. Mouthwash can help freshen your breath temporarily, but it does not address the underlying causes of bad breath.
    Small tonsil stones can be removed at home using a cotton swab or the back of your toothbrush. Gently apply pressure to the tonsil to push the stone out of the crevice.

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In addition to masking bad breath, chewing sugar-free gum helps protect your teeth and gums between meals. Teeth are more at risk of an acid attack directly after you’ve eaten. Chewing gum after a meal helps reduce acid and the harm it may cause to your teeth. It prompts the mouth to produce more saliva, which is the mouth’s natural defense against acid.

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Breath mints and gum can also help alleviate bad breath from the throat. These products stimulate saliva production, which helps wash away bacteria and food particles. However, it is important to choose sugar-free options to avoid promoting tooth decay.

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A bitter metallic taste, a burning sensation on the tongue, and thick saliva along with a buildup of a white coating on the tongue and around teeth are some of the symptoms of halitosis.

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